Healthy CEO Club2024-09-13T22:16:10+08:00

Healthy CEO Club

Wealth is nothing without health.

Bespoke Preventive Health Solution for C-Suite Executives

Reduce Workout Time, Train Anywhere, Grow Alongside Peers

We Cater to Your Tendencies


Frequent Flier

Unique Social Circumstances

Introducing Healthy CEO Club

Leverage Health’s Power Law to Be at Your Healthiest Ever

In one solution, we solve for your greatest predictors of longevity: social health, VO2 Max, and strength.

Reduce Chance of Heart Attack, Stroke, Cancer, Etc. by >50%

Researchers also found a 1 mL/min/kg higher VO2 max was associated with a 9% relative risk reduction of all-cause mortality.

Feel Like Your Energy Levels Are at Your Best Ever

Work towards not just better fitness, but also better health.

See Health Gains In Ridiculously Little Time

Use Cutting-Edge Technology to Reduce Training Time By >90%

Get data on your strength, power, balance, physiology, etc.

Do Heavy Resistance Training Anywhere You Want

More effective workouts with minimal or no equipment needed.

Utilise Data For Progress Tracking and Optimisation

Compare against normative insights, strength baselines, etc.

Harness The Power of Community

Be Part of a Like-Minded C-Suite Network to Create Your Health Support System

Lacking close relationships is comparable to regularly smoking, excessively alcohol, being physically inactive/obese, etc.

Join Gamified Health Challenges That Will Keep You Coming Back

Make your workouts more enjoyable.

Get Invited to Exclusive Events That Supercharge Social Health’s Benefits

See benefits on the opposite side of loneliness.

Become The Best Version of Yourself


Get More Knowledgeable and Self-Aware


Get Maximum Gains in Minimal Time


Get Improvements Your Loved Ones Would Notice

Mystery Prizes to Be Won

A Magical Awards Night for the Healthy

  • Exclusive and limited edition prizes to be won
  • Healthiest and most improved CEOs will be rewarded
  • Join now to get a head start for the 2025 health extravaganza

Health Results Thus Far

Jing Zhi Chua

Maximum strength increased by 35%

VO2 max increase by 10.2%

All-cause mortality risk reduced by ~42.3%

Yin Chao Lee

Maximum strength increased by 8.65%, recovered from ITB pain

VO2 max improved by 7.5%

All-cause mortality risk reduced by ~28.8%

Illka Gobius

Maximum strength increased by 16.2% after completing knee replacement rehab

VO2 max increased by 5.3%

All-cause mortality risk reduced by ~9%

Bridget Lee

Maximum strength increased by 45.3%

Progressed to first VO2 max test

Stephen Tan

Recovered from injury

Maximum strength increased by 3.9%

Guo Yong Li

Maximum strength increased by 13.4%

Upper body strength increased by 110.7%

Maximum power increased by 10.2%

Trusted By Clients/Partners

and more to be announced.


Is the club only for CEOs?2024-07-26T15:35:21+08:00

The club is open to all c-suites past and present.

There are many types of CEOs, which ones are you targeting?2024-08-20T16:11:54+08:00

Our members include past and present C-suites who manage or have managed traditional businesses, startups, MNCs, etc.

I’m the CEO of a large firm, do you have a more private solution?2024-08-20T16:10:04+08:00

Yes, we have pre-launched a HCC premium tier. Please contact us for a quick call so we can include you.

What do you do at HCC?2024-08-20T16:10:29+08:00

You compete with each other on VO2 max, strength, and other health-related challenges.

You will be kept in the loop of how you progress against others to make things interesting.

At the end of the challenge, you get to win mystery prizes.

To help you out, the ALLSET team provides testing, online coaching support, organises events, etc.

What happens when I sign up?2024-08-20T16:10:45+08:00

You would be invited to a 30-minute call or coffee with our CEO to do the onboarding checks. In that session, you would be recommended a subsequent course of action.

I’m not based in Singapore, can I join?2024-08-20T16:10:59+08:00

Yes, we have overseas partners supporting us in VO2 and strength testing, which are the only essential face-to-face segments. We are also exploring overseas events; contact us for the latest updates.

Invest in Yourself Today

Healthy CEO Club (Core Tier)


Two VO2 max tests and two strength tests

Training plan support, WhatsApp community, and online health challenges

Exclusive events, networking opportunities, etc.

1965/first year, 50/month thereafter (inaugural batch rate)

Healthy CEO Club (Premium Tier)


Everything in Core tier

Customisable health professionals WhatsApp support group

Exclusive premium tier WhatsApp community and events, and extravagant online health challenge prizes

19650/year onwards (inaugural batch rate)

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