Sports and Healthy Ageing Lab

Learn your key metrics for sports and ageing (VO2 Max, strength, etc.)

Use Data to Improve Your Health and Fitness in Minimal Time, With Minimal Effort

100% 5-star ratings thus far!

We’ve Helped >150 Users With

Physiotherapy: Rehab/Prehab

Sports Performance: HYROX, Ironman, etc.

Healthy Ageing: VO2 Max, Strength, etc.

Sample Use Case: Running

Use Strength Baselines to Improve Health, Performance, and Rehab

Improve yourself in record time.

What Our Users Love

World Class Health/Fitness Assessments

Get data on your strength, power, balance, physiology, etc.

Technology-Enabled Time-Efficient Training

Eg. Force plates enables 1RM testing in 90% less time

Top-Tier Progress Tracking and Optimisation

Compare against normative insights, strength baselines, etc.

Quit Suboptimal Training

We Use Time-Saving Methods Preferred By World Class Professionals

Become The Best Version of Yourself


Get More Knowledgeable and Self-Aware


Get Maximum Gains in Minimal Time


Get Improvements Your Loved Ones Would Notice

Trusted By Partners

and more to be announced.

What Our Users Say

“ALLSET’s equipment provides a very useful tool for clinicians looking at objective measurements of strength, asymmetry, and balance. I can see its potential in a whole range of patients, from elite athletes to older patients with degenerative conditions. The data can be used to assess their baseline and also to track their progress over the course of their rehab.” – Dr Foo Gen Lin, Founder and Orthopaedic, Apex Sports Clinic

“ALLSET provides fantastic practical assessments to help you optimise your health and training. I enjoy working with the well-educated and professional team to provide the best for my clients.”Dr Hisham Badaruddin, General Practitioner and co-founder, NOVIU Health

“Testing my strength and balance via the force decks was a game-changer. I never thought my balance might not be perfect at this age, but like everything else in life, there is room for improvement. I am planning to implement the learnings in my day-to-day exercise efforts in 2024 and to keep on testing myself as I get older.”” – Viktor Kyosev

Invest in Yourself Today

Also: See packaged rate at Club A and Healthy CEO Club

Functional Strength Assessments

Report includes key training priorities, exercise recommendations, etc

Can be claimed using insurance

SGD 335

VO2 Max Test

Report includes VO2 Max score, training zones, VT levels, etc.

Optional: Add grip strength and maximum strength tests for free

SGD 235